The Benedictine College Chemistry & Biochemistry Club (the “Chem Club”) is a student chapter of the American Chemical Society. The student members get together to share their interest in chemistry with each other and the local community and have a whole lot of fun! For more information, contact Dr. Blaustein, faculty advisor.
Discovery Day
Discovery Day is a day in April devoted to showcasing research and performance projects of Benedictine College students. Many of our chemistry students actively participate in the Discovery Program. Below is a list of chemistry/biochemistry projects that were presented during Discovery Day in recent years.
Discovery Day 2019
Student Researchers
Helping Farmers and Astronauts: A Study on Manipulating Iron Concentration in Soil to Allow Better Crop Growth in Adverse Conditions and Enhance Crop Quality
Elizabeth Ciskanik
Genera Index of Native Bees of the Benedictine Bottoms and Investigation of Neonicotinoid Insecticides